Category: Auto Insurance
Summer Driving Safety Tips
Posted: June 15, 2016
Ah, summertime – road trips, family vacations, and… teen drivers. If you have a teen driver in the family, he or she is going to want to drive more than during school days. Keeping everyone safe becomes more of a concern during the summer months. There are thousands of younger drivers on the road, many of whom don't have extensive driving experience, thereby increasing the...
Safe Driving Talk Tips for Your Teen
Posted: June 8, 2016
When teens begin to drive, the sobering statistics start to pile up. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the National Safety Council, for teen drivers: Car crashes are the leading cause of death for U.S. teens ages 14 through 18. A teen’s crash risk is three times that of more experienced drivers. Being in a car with three or more teen...
4 Unexpected Incidents That Can Cause a Car Accident
Posted: May 23, 2016
This summer in Metairie, you or your teen might be headed out on a road trip, to a state park, or maybe just for a quick visit to a friend's house. But, if you experience an unusual (but not unheard of) problem, you could be headed for an accident. Here is some general guidance that may help you reach your destination safely: The brakes go out...
5 Sure-Fire Ways to Get Your Car Stolen
Posted: May 10, 2016
Most people would say their car is one of the most valuable assets they own — if not the most valuable. Despite that, some people - especially young, new drivers - make it easy for thieves to drive off in their pride and joy. Our team here at TWFG - Rick Rogers Insurance don’t want you walking out your door to an empty driveway or leaving...
Driving Tips to Keep Prom and Graduation Safe for Your Teen
Posted: April 21, 2016
High school is full of defining moments for Louisiana teens and two of the highlights for most are prom and graduation. However, this time of year often sees other, more tragic defining moments - serious car accidents involving teens who are distracted or even under the influence of alcohol or drugs. At TWFG - Rick Rogers Insurance, we want to help make this season one to...