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Insurance Blog

Please read and comment on our blog about a wide variety of insurance topics. Please feel free to ask us any questions.


Save Money & Energy By Winterizing Your Home

Save Money & Energy By Winterizing Your Home

The winter months are upon us, bringing cold temperatures and adverse weather conditions. You may have already begun preparing for winter by purchasing a new pair of rain boots or a heavy coat, but have you thought about preparing your home? The rain, snow, and ice that are synonymous with winter can cause serious damage to your home, resulting in costly repairs. The unnecessary costs...

Basic Guidelines For Purchasing Flood Insurance

Basic Guidelines For Purchasing Flood Insurance

Do you need flood insurance? Any home or business can be damaged by water incursions, even those located in a low to moderate flood risk area. If you have concerns about the possibility of flooding due to storm conditions, rising water, fast melting snow, mud, or other situations, getting flood insurance could save you thousands, tens of thousands, or more. Our local agents are here...

Avoid A Headache When You Can't Avoid What's In The Road

Avoid A Headache When You Can't Avoid What's In The Road

In a majority of cases, hitting an animal while driving is unavoidable. As upsetting as this event can be, it is also capable of causing substantial damage to your vehicle, particularly if the animal is large. Deer-related accidents are common in rural areas, with the average repair from these accidents exceeding $3,300. We recommend that our clients review their auto insurance policy with one of...

How To Tell If Your Roof Needs Replacing

How To Tell If Your Roof Needs Replacing

Roofs are one of the parts of the home that tend to cause homeowners the most headaches. How do you know if something is a simple fix or the sign of a serious problem? Many people are wary of calling in the professionals for an issue that seems small, but an unattended leak or structural issue can grow into a major threat to your home....

Preventing a Costly Leak in Your Home

Preventing a Costly Leak in Your Home

Even a small leak can become a major problem, so knowing what you’re covered for and how to prevent water damage are equally important. The below tips should help uncover any potential water problems down the road and keep your property dry here in Metairie. Check appliance hoses. Standard hoses are not as durable as they used to be. Replace rubber hoses with steel-braided hoses....